Jessie Doyle Art

A bright blue sky

Jessie Doyle

...was born in Michigan and grew up with a paint brush in hand. She is a painter and illustrator, but has worn many hats: musician, housekeeper, commune member, dairy maid, tofu factory worker, hammock maker, floral designer, gardener, art model, cat and house sitter, busker, pizza deliverer, sign twirler, medical experiment volunteer, etcetera, etcetera. She is currently working as a registered nurse.

Jessie is most well known for her illustrations for Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, a worker-owned cooperative that sells heirloom and organic vegetable and flower seeds. Since 2009, Jessie has brought life to their catalog with her gnomes, toads, birds, and other garden creatures, and she has beautifully detailed the individual characteristics of hundreds of varieties of vegetables and flower seeds. You can also find her work in the gallery at the Lynchburg Academy of Fine Art,